10+ Salam Maulidur Rasul 2020 Wishes PNG. Maulidur rasul, also colloquially know as mawlid or the birthday of the prophet, is a holiday that observes and celebrates the birthday of the islamic prophet while sunni muslims often celebrate it on this date, shi'a muslims usually celebrate it on the 17th day of the month. Salam maulidur rasul to all muslims and happy holidays to all malaysians.
Make a wish and blow out t.
Salam maulidur rasul to all muslims and happy holidays to all malaysians. Let us recite selawat to our beloved rasulullah saw. Lidah dipotong kerana memuji rasulullah saw. Alhamdulillah, segala puji dan puja kita kepada allah yang telah memberikan pelbagai nikmat kepada kita, selawat dan salam buat junjungan besar tercinta nabi muhammad saw, penutup sekalian para nabi dan rasul.